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LCRR Service Line Inventory

The Town of Denton recently completed an initial service line inventory for the Maryland Department of the Environment.  This inventory was required under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.  The inventory identifies the materials of service lines connected to the water distribution system.  The service line inventory is available to water customers upon request.



The Denton Public Works special spring loose leaf collection service to vacuum up leaves that are left over from the fall starts Monday March 31, Friday April 4, Monday April 7, Friday April 11, Monday April 14, Monday April 21, and Friday April 25, 2025.  Leaves must be bagged for pickup the remaining months of the year.

For further instructions, guidelines and collection days, please go to the Denton Public Works website, click on services-refuse-loose leaf collection.

Denton Public Works



Street Sweeping takes place Friday mornings in downtown Denton.

*Supplemental sweeping takes place as needed.

Thank you for your patience.

Denton Public Works