
Refuse Collection

Pickup times and information

Updated September 6, 2022                                              NEW TRASH COLLECTION DAY WILL BE WEDNESDAY

To all Denton Residents,

The following is a quick look at the Town's trash ordinance, please call P & C at 410.479.3625 if you have any questions.

  1. Total allowance of household trash per week is 128 gallons. This is measured by the capacity of your trash cans. Example: (2) 64 gallon cans or (4) 32 gallons cans.
  1. All cans must be water tight with lids. We do realize lids get lost. Try connecting loose lids with a rope, to ensure they don’t disappear. All cans should be clean and be in good repair.
  1. All cans must weigh less than 60 pounds total. Again if you are missing a lid, water can get into the can and make it weigh more than 60 pounds. Fifty five gallon drums cannot be used as trash cans.
  1. All trash must be bagged, no loose trash. Bagged trash must be in a trash can. No bags on the ground. Bagged trash must fit in the can with the lid closed.
  1. All trash cans must be placed out at the curb for pickup no earlier than 5pm on Tuesday and must be removed by 11pm Wednesday night, every week. Do not store trash. Please do not block sidewalks with trash cans or place them in the street.
  1. All trash cans must be stored during the week, out of view from any front yard. 
  1. All cardboard/newspaper is not allowed in the trash stream. Please separate all delivery boxes, beer and soda boxes/flats, newspapers, etc. We offer a free special collections pickup for all clean/recyclable cardboard on Wednesday morning. Please call 410-479-2050 to schedule pickup and flatten/bundle then place out the cardboard Wednesday morning by 7 am. If it is going to rain, please bag the cardboard. Exception: any pizza box or contaminated cardboard/paper. Remember, all trash must be bagged.
  1. Only household waste is allowed in the trash. Excluded items are, but not limited to: cardboard, newspaper, construction debris, grass, leaves, appliances, explosives, any caustic substance, carpets and furniture. Many of these items however are available for pickup under the special collections program.


If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact Denton Planning & Codes at 410-479-3625



Recycle as much as you can. The county’s Holly Road site and the recycling bins behind the YMCA/Goodwill at the Denton Plaza accept glass, paper, cardboard, metal cans, etc. Please utilize this free drop-off center.

In addition, Approved bulk items (list can be found on the Town website under the Public Works tab) will be collected Wednesdays with the purchase of a pick-up ticket. The Town now has a new Special Collections/Bulk Pick-Up form that can be printed from the town website and mailed, dropped off at the drive-thru during business hours, or deposited in the night drop box located on the Second Street side of the Town Office, along with the payment of $5 per item.

If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at (410) 479-2050, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.