


The Town of Denton will be performing routine 6 month hydrant flushing and inspections starting today June 27th. and will go through the month of July.  During this time residents may notice a temporary drop in water pressure or puddling or water flowing in the streets.  This is done to ensure functionality of the fire hydrants as well as to maintain water quality.  If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 410-479-5446

Thank you,

Mark Chandler, Superintendent

Denton Public Works





Dear Residents,

The Town of Denton is partnering with Shore Riverkeepers to provide free trees to our residents.  Shore Riverkeepers is an amazing environmental organization who is a watchdog for our rivers on the Eastern Shore.  If you are interested in free tree(s), please visit this website

We can tell you that the Shore Riverkeepers have provided the Town of Denton with many trees for our parks and roadways.  We are blessed to have them on our team!